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Title: Options for agriculture at Marrakech climate talks: messages for SBSTA 45 agriculture negotiators
Organization:CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Author:Dinesh, Dahnush; Vermeulen, Sonja

The report outlines 10 options for negotiators to consider as they decide on next steps relating to agriculture within the UNFCCC. The options identified within the report draws upon Parties’ submissions and deliberations at SBSTA 42 and 44. Each option is elaborated with an overview, ways forward, and pros and cons, thus enabling negotiators to consider their implications. Options outlined covers areas such as linkages with the finance, capacity, and technology mechanisms of the Convention, development of an agricultural knowledge and learning platform and/or a SBSTA work programme on agriculture, and establishing a process for discussing the technical aspects of mitigation co-benefits arising from adaptation interventions in agriculture.

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