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Climate change

In the bionetwork of human and environment, the current ecological system, economic structures, social practices, legal norms, and other supporting systems have all developed over years in a comparatively stable climate pattern. With the rising level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the evidence for the rapid climate change is observed in:
- rising sea level
- global temperature increase
- warming oceans
- shrinking ice sheets
- glacial retreat
- Other extreme events


Given these changes, it is less likely for the economy and the ecosystem to evade its potential impacts. Changing weather patterns is already seen to impact the lives and livelihoods of people dependent on the ecosystem, the biodiversity and cropping patterns, and the economy by engaging and attracting new costs (and opportunities) associated with response strategies. In addition, the changes in the environment can also influence ‘human behavior’ and may even encourage movement as a surviving strategy of the vulnerable.


Uncertainties in climatic stimuli are also unavoidable. The ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘how’ and ‘to what extent’ of the extreme events cannot be identified with complete surety. But, several models exist that scrutinize the impact radar of these events. This encourages disaster preparedness and adaptive measures to prevent huge losses to the society, businesses and the environment. In addition, innovative mitigation options are being examined in country context for sustainable transition.


The website uncovers new technological and innovative options, happenings around the national and international climate negotiations, and also explores the vivid truths of nature and its linkages with the people — all that strive to provide successful solutions for a sustainable future in the light of concurrent changing climatic patterns.